How to Troubleshoot a Conflict with the Plugin & Theme?

Are you facing like CSS not being applied correctly, continuous loading of Checkout Page or even Cart not loading correctly? This could mostly be due to some plugin conflict.

Or are you seeing the Checkout Page messed up, or Cart Items stacked on one side? Also, there could be cases where you are seeing your product getting replaced in the cart. Such cases are mostly due to custom changes in the theme or plugin conflict.

Here are some easy steps you can follow to troubleshoot and resolve such conflicts on your own until help from the Support arrives –

Step 1: Switch to Default Themes

Firstly, try to temporarily switch to another theme, like default themes like – Twenty-Twenty or Twenty Nineteen and check if the error or issue persists.

Step 2: Deactivate all Plugins except CartFlows and WooCommerce

Next, you can deactivate all the plugins temporarily and see if that solves the error. If it does then activate plugins one by one to see which plugin is causing the problem.

Note: These are the general debugging processes that all WordPress support teams perform to find 90% of the problems. If you’re concerned the debugging process might break your website, you can take a quick backup of your website.

Below is a video that explains the Troubleshooting process –

Do get in touch with our Technical Support, if the issue persists even after following the above-debugging steps. Also, if possible do provide us with the Staging setup and permission to debug this issue on your live site.

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