/ Documentation /Features/One Click Upsells/ One Click Upsells

One Click Upsells

CartFlows Pro offers one-click upsells when using the following gateways:

  • Authorize.net
  • BACS
  • COD
  • Credit Card and iDeal via Mollie.
  • PayPal, with or without reference transactions.
  • WooCommerce PayPal Payments.
  • Stripe-Credit Card
  • Square

This article will give you a list of officially supported payment gateway plugins for CartFlows Upsell/Downsells.

For PayPal, you can use PayPal Standard or PayPal Checkout payment gateway to offer the one-click upsells. Please note, only one PayPal plugin should be installed and activated to avoid any unnecessary errors or issues.

While using the PayPal Standard gateway, it is not required to enable the PayPal reference transaction option in the CartFlows as well as in the PayPal account.

But if you are using use the PayPal Checkout payment gateway plugin, then the Reference transactions should be enabled from the CartFlows Setting as well as from the PayPal account.

This article will help you to enable the PayPal Reference Transaction from the PayPal Account.

One-click upsells need exclusive compatibility to be built with each payment gateway and we will add support for other payment gateways one by one.

Here is an article that will give you a list of the payment gateways that are supported by the CartFlows for one-click upsells.

In the backend, on the upsell page, a notice will be displayed if you are using a payment gateway that is not supported by the CartFlows for one-click upsells then you can either use the supported payment gateways or you can try adding custom support of your payment gateway in the CartFlows.

Common Questions (FAQs)

Q. What to do if your payment gateway is not in the supported gateway’s list?
You need to use the officially supported Payment gateways to offer the upsell/downsell. If you are willing to continue with the gateway of which the support is not added in the CartFlows then you can also try adding custom support of it with the help of a freelance developer.

Q. Is the name of your gateway is displayed in the notice/message on the upsell/downsell pages?
If the name of your payment gateway is been displayed in the notice/message on the upsell/downsell page then it says that custom support of that payment gateway is not added in the CartFlows for upsell/downsell and you still wish to use the same gateway then the upsell/downsell will be skipped.

To avoid this, you can either use the supported payment gateways or you can add custom support of your payment gateway in the CartFlows with the help of a freelance developer.

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