/ Documentation /General/ How to Translate the CartFlows Plugin with TranslatePress?

How to Translate the CartFlows Plugin with TranslatePress?

With the recent TranslatePress update v1.5.6, you can now translate Flows using the TranslatePress plugin.

You can follow the steps mentioned to achieve this requirement –

Step 1: Settings for the TranslatePress Plugin

  • Go to WordPress Dashboard > Settings > TranslatePress > General Tab
  • Add the new languages that you wish to translate your website in under the All Languages tab.

Step 2: Translate the CartFlows Pages

Step 1. Open the Step/page of the CartFlows that you want to translate

Step 2. Click on the Translate Page button on the admin bar. 

Step 3. Click on the strings that you want to translate.

Step 4. Add your translated string and click the save button.

Or refer to the following video to see how you can do this –

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