/ Documentation /Features/Checkout Field editor/ How to Enable Collapsible Checkout Fields in CartFlows?

How to Enable Collapsible Checkout Fields in CartFlows?

From v1.3.2 of CartFlows Pro, we are providing a new option – Collapsible Options fields

What Does This Option Do?

This option once enabled will hide the respective option fields under their parent option fields.

Note: You need to have the Custom Field Editor option enabled to use this option.

Where to Find this Option?

You will need to edit the Checkout page under the WordPress Dashboard > Flows > Flows Settings.

Now, under the Checkout Layout section > Checkout Fields

Let’s see how we can enable this option –

Firstly for the field to Collapsible you need to make sure the fields are not marked as required.

Next, you enable the Collapsible checkbox after that Save/Update the changes and you have made your option field collapsible.

How to Make the Coupon and Additional Fields Collapsible?

To make the Coupon Field and Additional Field collapsible you will firstly need to enable the Enable Coupon Field and Enable Additional Field. Right under the setting, you will see the option to enable Collapsible Coupon Field.

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