How to Enable the Theme’s Scripts & Styles without Changing the Page Template?

You may be looking for an answer as to why are your CartFlows pages do not display your theme’s Header & Footer?

Well, there’s the following reason behind it –

From the beginning, when the CartFlows plugin was released, we intentionally didn’t load the theme’s Header & Footer on the CartFlows pages to avoid any unnecessary conflict with the CartFlows pages. And to ensure more flexibility in design as well as in the creation of distraction-free funnel pages.

Note: If you want to add your theme’s header & footer on the CartFlows pages then you need to change the page template to default. Refer to this article.

But you must be thinking why you need to change the page template if you want to add the theme’s headers and footer on the CartFlows pages. Well, that is the default way and the correct way to add the theme’s header footer. 

But in some cases, your page is displaying the header & footer in distorted format i:e without the CSS while you are not using the “Default” page template so, you want to either remove it or display in proper format then, you can use the following filter to load the theme’s styles & scripts.

This filters can also be used in those cases, where you just want to load the theme’s styles & scripts on the CartFlows pages.

 * Filter to load theme's styles & scripts. 
 * @param  bool $remove_styles true/false
 * @return bool $remove_styles true/false

add_filter( 'cartflows_remove_theme_styles', 'wcf_load_theme_files', 10, 1 );
add_filter( 'cartflows_remove_theme_scripts', 'wcf_load_theme_files', 10, 1 );

function wcf_load_theme_files( $remove_styles ){
	$remove_styles = false;

	return $remove_styles;

Note: Add the above filter to your child theme’s functions.php, here’s an article to help you Add Custom code.

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