How to Resolve “Session Expired” Error message?

Are you currently seeing a “Your session has Expired” message on your Upsell & Downsell pages?

This error message is usually seen only on the Upsell & Downsell pages of the CartFlows. This message means that the Session which was set on the checkout page has expired on the Upsell or Downsell pages.

If you are getting the session expired error message on the Checkout page of the CartFlows, then it means that the CartFlows session cookie ( cartflows_session_ ) or the WooCommerce’s Session cookie is not getting registered on the CartFlows.

Usually, this happens when the CartFlows pages are cached at the server end or at the local end. To fix this, you need to clear the cache and exclude the CartFlows Checkout pages from the server-side or local cache.

Quick Tip: If you want to avoid seeing this error message, always test it by placing the Test Order and going through the full checkout process.

Below are the cases in which this error message will be displayed.

Case 1:

When the Upsell & Downsell pages are opened or viewed directly from the URL and the Flow is not in the Test Mode.

Then on the Upsell & Downsell page, the session key is not set and that is why it displays this error message.

Thus displaying the “Your Session is Expired” message only when you are not logged in.

Case 2:

If the Upsell & Downsell pages are placed after the optin step.

This will not work because on the Optin page there is no Payment Gateway option present and thus it is not possible to accept the payment gateway on the Upsell page. This gives the “Your Session is Expired” error message.

If you want to view the Upsell & Downsell pages just to check the design then you need to set the flow to Test Mode and open the page while you are logged in. This will allow you to view the designs of the Upsell & Downsell pages.

Case 3:

If the cookies are restricted from the Server/hosting.

If you are using any hosting and that has a specific requirement regarding the cookie names then it is most likely to display the Session Expired error message.

This specific requirement includes the name of the cookie. For example, some hosting says that the cookie name should be started with the prefix as wp_ or woocommerce_ or server-specific pre-fix.

As the Cookie which is set by the CartFlows is not accessible on such server/hosting due to above-mentioned cookie requirements and most likely these server does not allow third-party plugins to set their cookies for some security reasons.

For example: Suppose you are using “Pantheon” hosting/server then it will show you the Session Expired message as this server has a specific requirement regarding the Cookie naming.

Actually, there are a number of plugins that use cookies and not all plugins can change the names of their cookies as per the server’s cookie naming structure.

So to fix this error message, you need to get in touch with the hosting/server provider and ask for a way to exclude the CartFlows cookies from these restrictions. Once the cookie is been excluded then you will not get this error message on the Upsell/Downsell pages.

Case 4:

If the website is not properly configured for the SSL/HTTPS connections.

All of the CartFlows Cookies will work on the HTTPS protocol/connection. So it is necessary that your website should be properly configured for HTTPS i:e the SSL has to be installed.

If the HTTPS/SSL is not installed then the cookie will not be registered and you will get the Session Expired error message.

Few Common Questions (FAQs)

Q. What to do if the getting a session expired error message on the checkout page?
Ans: If you are getting the session expired error message on the Checkout page of the CartFlows, then it means that the CartFlows session cookie ( cartflows_session_ ) or the WooCommerce’s Session cookie is not getting registered on the CartFlows page. Usually, this happens when the CartFlows pages are cached at the server end or at the local end. To fix this, you need to clear the cache and exclude the CartFlows Checkout pages from the server-side or local cache.

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