/ Documentation /Features/Flows Analytics/ How to Enable Google Analytics Tracking in CartFlows?

How to Enable Google Analytics Tracking in CartFlows?

CartFlows introduces the Google Analytics Tracking feature in CartFlows v1.5.0.

Pre-requisites –

There are few Pre-requisites like –

  • You need to create a Google Analytics Account. Haven’t Setup yet? – follow the steps here
  • Next, you need to get the Google Analytics ID, follow the steps here
  • Copy the Google Analytics ID, you will need to paste it in the CartFlows Settings

Steps to Add Google Analytics ID in the CartFlows Settings –

Step 1: From your WordPress dashboard, go to CartFlows > Settings > Integrations

Step 2: Scroll down to the Google Analytics Settings and enable the option – Enable Google Analytics Tracking

Let’s see how we can enable this feature. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > CartFlows > Settings > Integrations > Google Analytics Pixel section.

Enabling the above option adds the Google Analytics code on the CartFlows Steps.

And the next toggle option will enable the Google Analytics Tracking Code on the whole website.

Step 3: Now, you will see a field to insert the Tracking ID in the Google Analytics ID field. If you do not have the Tracking ID you can get it from here.

Step 4: After inserting the ID, you will see a list of Events which CartFlows provides, they are –

  • Begin Checkout
  • Add To Cart
  • Add Payment Info
  • Purchase
  • Optin Lead

If you are facing any issues, you can refer to our Troubleshooting article of Google Analytics!

Frequently Answered Questions

Q. CartFlows compatible with GA4?

=> Yes. CartFlows is compatible with GA4.

To retrieve the measurement ID, please follow these steps and add the measurement ID in the Google Analytics ID field.

  1. Go to the Admin Panel in Google Analytics 4.
  2. Select the property for which you need the measurement ID.
  3. Click on “Data Stream”.
  4. On the next screen, click on the name of the Data Stream.
  5. In the top right corner of the subsequent screen, you will find the measurement ID, which starts with ‘G-

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