/ Documentation /Features/Shortcodes Reference/ Introducing Upsell Downsell Shortcodes!

Introducing Upsell Downsell Shortcodes!

CartFlows Pro version 1.5.3, introduces the much awaited shortcodes for the Upsell and Downsell pages.

These Upsell & Downsell shortcodes will provide more control and help you to add/display information of Variation Product on the upsell & downsell pages. So that you can let users know which product they are buying and the price of it.

Also, giving you the flexibility to design the Upsell & Downsell pages as per your design requirements. That means you can now fully customize your upsell & downsell pages.

Now, with the help of these shortcodes, you can display –

You can still import the Upsell & Downsell ready-made templates and modify it as per your design needs and add from the below shortcodes to display the respective variation product’s information to suit your needs.

Note: These shortcodes will only work on the Upsell & Downsell pages of the CartFlows. If used anywhere else like on default pages of WordPress, WooCommerce or on other CartFlows pages then it may result in displaying error messages or some random text or something else can’t predict it.

You can locate these shortcodes on the Upsell / Downsell pages under the Offer Page Settings under Shortcodes section as shown below –

Below is the list of shortcodes and their detailed explanation on how to use on the Upsell & Downsell pages –

List of Shortcodes

Accept Offer Link

  • This link is for adding the offer accept link to the button, anchor ( <a> ), or you can even give it to the image too. 
  • This link allows the users to accept the Upsell or Downsell offer. This means once the Upsell or Downsell offer is accepted it will move to the next step.
  • Recommended widget to use – Button, or Link ( Anchor ).

Decline Offer Link

  • This link is for adding the offer decline link to the button, anchor ( <a> ), or you can even give it to the image too. 
  • This will allow users to reject/decline the Upsell or Downsell offer. This means once the upsell or downsell offer is declined it will move to the next step.
  • Recommended widget to use – Button, Link ( Anchor ).

Product Variation

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_variation]

  • If your product is a Variable Product then you can use this shortcode to show variations on the Upsell/Downsell page.
  • This shortcode allows you to add/display the product’s variations on the upsell & Downsell pages. For now, these variations will be displayed in the dropdown manner as it is displayed on the single product’s page i.e Product’s detail page.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor.

Product Quantity

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_quantity]

  • If your product is a Variable Product or simple product then also you can use this shortcode to show the product’s quantity on the upsell/downsell page.
  • This shortcode will allow you to add/display the product’s quantity selection on the Upsell & Downsell pages.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor.

Product Title

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_title]

  • It doesn’t matter what type of product you have selected in the backend setting of the upsell & downsell page this shortcode will show the Product Name / Product Title on the Upsell / Downsell page.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Heading, Text Editor.

Product Description

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_desc]

  • This shortcode will allow you to add/display the selected product’s Full / Long Description on the Upsell & Downsell pages. 
  • You can use this shortcode with products that you have selected in the Upsell & Downsell pages. The product type should be of Simple, Virtual, Variable, or Downloadable.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor.

Product Short Description

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_short_desc]

  • This shortcode will allow you to add/display the selected product’s Short Description or excerpt on the Upsell & Downsell pages. 
  • You can use this shortcode with products that you have selected in the Upsell & Downsell pages. The product type should be of Simple, Virtual, Variable, Downloadable.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor.

Product Price

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_price]

  • This shortcode will allow you to add/display the selected single product’s price on the upsell & Downsell pages.
  • If you have added/applied the discount to the selected product from the upsell or downsell page’s setting then this discounted price will be displayed on the page.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor, Heading.

Product Image

Shortcode: [cartflows_offer_product_image]

  • This shortcode will allow you to display the selected Product Images or gallery images.
  • If you have selected the variable product in the backend setting and you change the variation on the Upsell or Downsell page then the images which are displayed will automatically display the related image to the selected variation.
  • Recommended widget to use – Shortcode, Text Editor.
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