/ Documentation /Features/One Click Upsells/ How to Create Conditional Upsell & Downsell in CartFlows?

How to Create Conditional Upsell & Downsell in CartFlows?

What is Conditional Redirect?

The Conditional redirection is to send the user from a Checkout Page to Upsell or Downsell Page or finally to the Thank You page.

To be simply put, when the user makes a choice on Upsell Page to either accept he can be redirected to the Downsell or to the Thank You page.

Here’s an Flow of how you can create Conditional Upsells and Downsells.

How will Conditional Upsell & Downsell help?

The Upsell and Downsell are an integral part of a Funnel Builder. And we believe it should be used rightly to maximize the flows and eventually make the funnel as effective as possible.

For the same we just need to create not the flows having Upsell and Downsell but make them Conditional.

How to achieve this in CartFlows Pro?

Step 1: Go to the required Flows in the CartFlows and then add an Upsell and Downsell.

Step 2: Now, firstly you need to select the Product you will Upsell from the Select Product section.

Step 3: And next, you will need to set the condition on which the user when the user selects Yes and No. The Yes could take him to the Downsell and finally to the Thank You page.

Step 4: Similarly, for the Downsell. This can be iterated based on the products you can Upsell or Downsell.

Step 5: And now your Flow is complete with the Upsell and Downsell.

If you are not getting any option in the dropdown to set the conditional redirect then it is because there are no possible offer steps after the current offer step on which you are setting the conditional redirect.

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