/ Documentation /Cart Abandonment/ Abandoned Orders Not Capturing [Cart Abandonment]

Abandoned Orders Not Capturing [Cart Abandonment]

Is your Cart not capturing Abandoned Orders?

Here in this article, we will find out how to resolve the issue of Woocommerce Cart abandonment Recovery plugin not capturing the abandoned carts.

Generally, this issue is may occur due to the disabled WP CRON.

What is WP CRON?

WP-CRON is how WordPress handles scheduling time-based tasks in WordPress. It’s normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically. WordPress comes with its own CRON system which allows it to perform scheduled tasks.

Refer to this article for more information on WP CRON.

Why CRON is necessary for the plugin?

WooCommerce Cart abandonment Recovery plugin needs the CRON to capture the Abandoned Cart Orders and mark as Abandoned. 

The plugin has the cron job named as  ‘cartflows_ca_update_order_status_action’. This cron job runs after every fifteen minutes and checks if the order is completed or not and sets the order status accordingly. 

If you have disabled the WP CRON job from your site then it will not be able to capture the abandoned orders. So you need to enable it or you need to add the external cron job with cPanel.

To enable the WP CRON, locate the wp-config.php file in your website’s root directory and add the below code after the define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);‘ line.

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', false);

How to add the CRON job using the cPanel?

Here are some articles and video that will explain how to add CRON using cPanel.

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