/ Documentation /Features/Flows Analytics/ Flow Analytics in a New Way

Flow Analytics in a New Way

Howdy folks!!!

We are excited to share that we have introduced a new and more efficient way of tracking the flow analytics in the CartFlows.

This new implementation is currently added as a beta feature. This gives you an opportunity to test and check the analytics on your website to get an idea of how it works.

While adding this enhancement, our primary goal was to ensure that there are no issues/errors while tracking the flow analytics and also to reduce the time required to go from step to step. In addition, we have optimized the data processing for the analytics.

This new method is an API-based implementation with a little JavaScript. This is because we have to better optimize the analytics tracking and the process should be simple and easy. 

Also, the secondary goal was to use cookies in an efficient way. Previously we have found that the cookies sometimes don’t get registered or even if are registered, they get cached by either the server or by caching plugins. That was resulting in tracking the wrong analytics or tracking the analytics only for the one flow of which the cookie is cached.

Once you enable this beta feature, the older method to track the flow analytics will not work instead the newly added beta implementation will be used to track the flow analytics for all of the available flows.

So how to enable this beta feature? Well, there are very few steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Navigate to the CartFlows -> Setting

Step 2: Click on the miscellaneous settings tab

Step 3: Scroll down the page and click/enable/check Enable improved flow analytics (Beta) Option.

Step 4: Click the Save Setting button.

Frequently Answered Questions

Q. Are there any cookies used? If yes, then what are their names?
=> Yes. There are cookies used. The name of those cookies are ‘wcf-visited-flow-<flow_id>‘ & ‘wcf-step-visited-<flow_id>‘.

Q. What will happen if I combine the JS on my website by using CSS/JS optimization plugins?
=> There should not be any issues unless there is an incompatibility. We tried not to create a conflict with any other third-party plugins, but if in case of incompatibility, open a support ticket from the website.

Q. Does the cache plugins cache the code for tracking the analytics?
=> Maybe. Each cache plugin works differently. So, it’s hard to predict.

Q. Will there be any significant change in tracking OR displaying the analytics after enabling this beta feature?
=> No. The old flow tracking data will not be hampered and it will remain as it is. We have just changed the way to track the analytics.

Q. What to do if the cookies are still getting cached?
=> There are several server providers which provide the option to exclude the cookies by names OR using the regex. Get in touch with the server provider and share the names of the cookies as wcf-visited-flow- & wcf-step-visited- and ask to exclude it also do the same for the cache plugins and clear the cache.

Q. What to do if the cookies are still not getting registered?
=> There might be chances that the server has a specific requirement for the cookie names. Ask the server provider to get information on “Is there a requirement to have a specific prefix attached to the cookie while registering it?”. If yes, then add the below short line to your wp-config.php file just above the “That’s all, stop editing! Happy publishing.” line.

define( 'CARTFLOWS_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'prefix_provided_by_server_provider' );
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