/ Documentation /Troubleshooting/ How to Resolve “Sorry this product cannot be purchased” Error Message?

How to Resolve “Sorry this product cannot be purchased” Error Message?

Are you seeing “Sorry this product cannot be purchased” error message on your checkout page?

The meaning of this error message is, among the products that you have added/selected on the CartFlows checkout page is not purchasable. That means this product cannot be purchased for certain reasons.

Why the issue?

This error may occur due to the product being restricted to purchase from WooCommerce or the price, type, or any other required information is not added while creating the product. 

So, to find the actual cause of this error message, try buying the same product from the WooCommerce’s default checkout page. If you receive the same error message on the default checkout page then this confirms that the error is in the product.


Now, if you are getting the same error message on the WooCommerce Checkout page, then edit that product and check if all the necessary options are filled. Such as Name, price, and Subscription information if the product is a subscription product.

If any one information is missing then add that information and update the product and try purchasing the same product from the default WooCommerce’s checkout page. 

Once the product is purchased from the default WooCommerce’s checkout page then it can be purchased from the CartFlows page too without any issues.

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