/ Documentation /Features/Shortcodes Reference/ Introducing Personalization Shortcodes in CartFlows!

Introducing Personalization Shortcodes in CartFlows!

CartFlows introduces Personalization Shortcodes in CartFlows v1.5.0. Now you will be able to personalize the CartFlows pages for more conversions and sales.

In this article, we will see the overview of the Personalization Shortcodes so that you can better utilize them on CartFlows pages –

We have provided these Personalization Shortcodes in the CartFlows so that you can personalize the display and the messages on the Upsell / Downsell or on the Thank You pages. 

Why Personalization?

Personalization helps build trust with users by engaging with them during the checkout process. When you display the user’s name by personalizing the headline or message while they are completing their order, people are more likely to complete the order.

For example, you have placed an order from the checkout page of the CartFlows using the email [email protected] and now on the upsell & thank you page you want to display personalized messages such as “Hello [email protected], here is the 50% OFF on this product” OR “Thank you [email protected] for your order” Or any other as per your requirements.

These shortcodes will display the user’s email ID or the email or any other field that you have added in the shortcode for the current order

Currently, we have two types of Personalization shortcodes available for use. They are divided into two sections and they are

  1. Display the Order Fields value on the Upsell / Downsell / Thank You page i:e displaying the checkout fields’ value
  2. Display the value of the Fields that are sent via URL parameter

Let’s see the personalization shortcodes type and how exactly it can be used –

Display the Order/Checkout fields values

This shortcode can be used on the upsell & downsell & thank you page to display the user’s billing information which is filled on the checkout fields on the checkout page of the CartFlows.

The proper format of the shortcode is as follows:

[cartflows_order_fields field="first_name" default="Dear"]

In the above shortcode, there are two parameters as

1. field: This represents, which field’s value you want to display on the page.

2. default: Default value to display if the checkout field is not filled. 

You can use any field to display its value on the desired page. 

For example: 

– To display the user’s first name you can use 

[cartflows_order_fields field="first_name" default="My Name"]

– To display the user’s last name you can use 

[cartflows_order_fields field="last_name" default="My Surname"]

In the same way, you can use the rest of the fields. 

To Display the value of the Fields that are sent via URL parameter

This is the second shortcode which you can also use to display the user’s billing info on the upsell/downsell/thank you pages such as first name, last name, email, etc. 

But, this shortcode will take the values of the parameters which are sent via URL. That is if there is first name of the user is sent from the URL as www.mydomain.com/thank-you/?first_name=myname&[email protected]

In this case, this shortcode will get the value of the first_name parameter and display it on the page where you have added this shortcode. 

The proper format of this shortcode is as follows:

[cartflows_url_fields field="first_name" default="Dear"]

In the above shortcode, there are two parameters as

1. field: This represents, which field’s value you want to display on the page.

2. default: Default value to display if the checkout field is not filled. 

You can use any field to display its value on the desired page. 

For example: 

– To display the user’s first name you can use 

[cartflows_url_fields field="first_name" default="My Name"]

– To display the user’s last name you can use 

[cartflows_url_fields field="last_name" default="My Surname"]

In the same way, you can use the rest of the fields. 

Note: In WooCommerce all the field’s name starts with the “billing_” key for the billing fields and “shipping_” for shipping fields.  Such as billing_first_name, billing_last_name, shipping_first_name, shipping_last_name. So, you have to add the field name without the “billing_” or “shipping_” prefix.

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