Shortcode Reference for Email Fields in Cart Abandonment

We have listed down all the Email Fields with shortcodes, which can be used to add or remove required fields in the Emails –

Sr.No First Name Shortcode Description
1Admin Firstname{{admin.firstname}}It displays the name of the shop owner or an administrator.
2Admin Company{{}}It displays the name of the shop or company.
3Abandoned Product Details Table{{cart.product.table}}It displays the details of products that were abandoned with Product name, Product image, Quantity, Price and Line subtotal in table format.
4Abandoned Product Names{{cart.product.names}}It displays only product names that were abandoned.
5Cart Checkout URL{{cart.checkout_url}}It is the URL that redirects to the checkout page.
6Coupon Code{{cart.coupon_code}}It is the coupon code that can be used on the checkout page for the discount.
7Customer First Name{{customer.firstname}}It displays the First name of the Customer.
8Customer Last Name{{customer.lastname}}It displays the Last name of the Customer.
9Customer Full Name{{customer.fullname}}It displays the Full name of the Customer.
10Cart Abandonment Date{{cart.abandoned_date}}It displays the date on which the cart is abandoned.
11Site URL{{site.url}}It displays the Main Site URL of the shop or company.
12Unsubscribe Link{{cart.unsubscribe}}It allows customers to unsubscribe from the email of cart abanded. If a customer unsubscribes from this link then they will not receive future emails for an abandoned cart.
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