/ Documentation /Troubleshooting/ Why is the Upsell/Downsell not Working or it is Getting Skipped?

Why is the Upsell/Downsell not Working or it is Getting Skipped?

You must be curious as to why the Upsell page is not being displayed even after you have configured it correctly and you get redirected to the Thank You page directly? 

Well, we will see the reason behind the same and the solution for the same.

So? Let’s begin.

The Upsell / Downsell may get skipped in some cases and they are as follows –

Case 1: If you are selling a zero value product from the checkout page OR the Cart total is zero i:e you are selling a free product.

  • If the zero value product is added on the checkout page that means the cart total is zero. Then in this case, WooCommerce does not display the payment gateway options on the Checkout page. Because there is no actual way to create a charge for the payment from the user. 
  • As in this scenario there are no payment gateway options selected on the checkout page while placing the order so the Upsell page will not get the payment gateway option to create the charge for the Upsell / Downsell product on the page and that is why the upsell will be skipped and the user will be redirected to the Thank You page directly.

Case 2: If you are using the payment gateway for which we haven’t added the custom support in the CartFlows for Upsell / downsell.

  • Currently, CartFlows supports COD, BACS, PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, Mollie. You can check the support for the following plugins for these payment gateways in this article.
  • If some other payment gateway is used to place the order on the checkout page instead of using the payment gateways other than the one listed in the above article. In that case, also the upsell/downsell will be skipped.

Case 3: If your Upsell / Downsell pages are placed after the optin page i:e before the checkout page.

  • If the Upsell / Downsell pages are placed after the optin page to offer the Upsell directly after the Optin page i:e before the checkout page then it will also be skipped. As there are no payment gateway options available on the optin page.
  • Because, from the Optin page only free i:e zero value products are purchased and that is why there are no options for the payment gateway selection.

Case 4: If you’re using another plugin that modifies the checkout process.

  • Look over the plugins that you have installed on your website to identify any that modify the checkout or thank you page
  • Disable such plugins and test your flow

So, how to solve this problem and avoid all these cases. Well, there is only one proper solution available and that is as follows.


In order to offer the Upsell / Downsell offers, those pages have to be placed only after the Checkout page and at-least $1 should be the Cart value for displaying the payment gateway options. And here users can select one of the available Payment Gateway to purchase the main Checkout product and then only they will be able to see the Upsell / Downsell page.

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