How to resolve “Checkout ID not Found” Error message?

We will see in this article, how to resolve the “Checkout ID not Found” error you are seeing on your Checkout page.

Checkout not found error

Usually, this error message means that the CartFlows page ID does not match with the Page on which you have added the [cartflows_checkout] shortcode.

You may get this error message in two cases. Below are those cases.

Case 1: While editing the checkout page in your page builder

In this case, while editing the Checkout Page in the page builder, you may get this error message. Because in the page builder i:e editor mode, some WooCommerce functions are not available to access. As the functions are not available for another plugin to access Checkout ID not Found error will be displayed.

Solution: To solve this, you just need to edit your checkout page and update the page. Once the page is updated i:e all your changes are saved, visit the page by closing the page editor i:e. Exiting from the page builder. You will be able to get the complete Checkout Fields without the error.

Note: To display/view the checkout fields, there has to be at least one product selected in the backend setting of the checkout page or a flow should be kept in the test mode if don’t want to select any product while the page is under design phase.

Case 2: Misplaced the Shortcode

In this case, if the [cartflows_checkout] shortcode is placed on the other pages of WordPress or different pages which are not of the CartFlows, then you will get the Checkout ID not Found error message.

Solution: To solve this error, you need to add the [cartflows_checkout] shortcode only on the CartFlows Checkout page and not on any other pages which are not of CartFlows.

Note: This shortcode will not work on the CartFlows Upsell, Downsell, Optin, Thank you pages as well. It only works with the CartFlows checkout page.

Refer to this article to find on – Placing Shortcode in the Right Places!

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