/ Documentation /Features/ How to Rollback to a Previous CartFlows Version

How to Rollback to a Previous CartFlows Version

In this documentation, we’ll explain how to use the new Rollback Feature in CartFlows. This feature allows you to revert to a previous version of the CartFlows plugin in case you encounter any issues after an update.

How to Use the Rollback Feature

To use the Rollback feature in CartFlows, follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to the CartFlows Settings
Go to CartFlows > Dashboard and open the Global Settings by clicking the gear icon.

CartFlows Dashboard

2. Locate the Version Control Section
In the Settings window, find the Version Control section. This section allows you to revert to a previous version of the CartFlows plugin.

CartFlows Version Control Section

3. Select the Version to Rollback
In the Version Control section, you will see a dropdown menu listing the previous versions of CartFlows. Select the version you want to revert to.

CartFlows Version Control Dropdown

4. Click Rollback
After selecting the desired version, click the Rollback button. The plugin will automatically revert to the selected version.

CartFlows Rollback Button

5. Confirm and Return to Plugins Page
Once the rollback process is complete, you will see a confirmation message. Your CartFlows plugin is now reverted to the selected version. Click the Go to Plugins page link to return to the Plugins page.

Rollback Confirmation and Go to Plugins page

Important Notes

  • Backup Your Site: Before performing a rollback, it is recommended to take a full backup of your website to avoid any data loss.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the version you are rolling back to is compatible with your current WordPress and WooCommerce versions.
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