/ Documentation /General/ How to Enable Google Ads Pixel Support in Cartflows?

How to Enable Google Ads Pixel Support in Cartflows?

CartFlows introduces the Google Ads Pixel tracking feature in CartFlows v2.0.12.

Pre-requisites –

There are few Pre-requisites like –

  • You need to create a Google Ads Manager account. Haven’t Setup yet? – follow the steps here.
  • Next, you need to get the Google Ads Conversion ID and Google Ads Conversion Label.
  • Copy the  Google Ads Conversion ID and Google Ads Conversion Label, you will need to paste these in the CartFlows Settings

Steps to Add Google Ads Conversion ID and Google Ads Conversion Label in the CartFlows Settings –

Step 1: From your WordPress dashboard, go to CartFlows > Settings > Integrations

Step 2: Scroll down to the Google Ads Pixel Settings and enable the option – Enable Google Ads pixel Tracking

Step 3: Now, you will see the fields to insert the Google Ads Conversion ID and Google Ads Conversion Label. You can paste your TikTok Pixel ID there.

Step 4: Next, you can enable the Events that CartFlows provides, they are –

  • Begin Checkout
  • Add To Cart
  • View content
  • Add Payment Info
  • Purchase
  • Optin Lead

How to Test or Verify the Working of Google Ads Pixel Support?

To test whether your conversion tags are implemented correctly, please use the Google Tag Assistant browser extension. Tag assistants can automatically validate the implementation of tracking scripts such as Ads conversion tags or Analytics tracking codes on any given page.

Frequently Answered Questions

What is the Google Ads Pixel?

=> The Google Ads Pixel is a piece of code that you place on your website to track visitor actions. It helps track conversions, such as purchases or form submissions, from your Google Ads campaigns. This data helps optimize your ads for better targeting and performance.

How does the Google Ads Pixel help improve ad performance?

=> The pixel tracks user actions, such as clicks, page views, and conversions. By analyzing this data, you can better understand how users interact with your ads and website. This enables you to refine targeting, adjust bidding strategies, and deliver ads to people more likely to convert.

Where can I find my Google Ads Pixel code?

=> You can find your Google Ads Pixel code by navigating to your Google Ads account. Go to “Tools & Settings” > “Conversions” > “Website conversions.” Here, you can create or view your existing pixel, and copy the code to install it on your website.

Do I need coding knowledge to install the Google Ads Pixel?

=> No, and it’s not always necessary. For custom websites, you may need to add the code manually to your site’s header.

What kind of data does the Google Ads Pixel collect?

=> The Google Ads Pixel collects data on user actions such as page views, clicks, form submissions, and purchases. It helps track which users clicked on your ads and completed valuable actions on your site, allowing you to measure your campaign performance.

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