/ Documentation /General/ Global Checkout

Global Checkout

Deprecated: This feature is been deprecated in version 1.10.0.

Announcement: The Global Checkout feature is now renamed Store Checkout. So, to simplify this process and add a user-friendly touch, we have deprecated the older concept i:e Global Checkout, and it is replaced by a new one which is Store Checkout.

CartFlows can also be used to replace the global checkout if you want to still use WooCommerce in the traditional way, but improve conversions at the checkout.

The traditional WooCommerce checkout is:

Buyer views a product > Clicks on add to cart > Buyer then clicks to view the cart > Buyer makes and adjustments > Buyer clicks checkout > Buyer completes the purchase on the checkout page

With our global cart option the flow is changed to our checkout:

Buyer views a product > Clicks on add to cart > Buyer then clicks to view the cart > Buyer makes and adjustments > Buyer clicks checkout > Buyer is taken to the CartFlows checkout page > Buyer go through any upsells / downsells you have setup.

To overcome this traditional working of WooCommerce, we have introduced the Global Checkout option in the free version of CartFlows. Let’s see how we can set it up.

To create a Global Checkout:

  1. Create a new flow
  2. Configure the first step to be the checkout page ( Make sure to give the checkout page a name you will recognize later )
  3. In the checkout step, make sure to not select a product, just leave that blank
  4. Setup any order bumps, upsells, downsells, and the thank you page
  5. Go to the CartFlows settings menu.
  6. Click on the global checkout dropdown option and you will see an option to select the checkout you created in step 2 above.

Common cases in which the Global Checkout may not work are –

Case 1: Default Checkout page is not created & set in the WooCommerce setting:

As you may know, this option replaces the default WooCommerce checkout page with the CartFlows Checkout Page.

If this page is not created and Selected in the WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Under Page Setup section the Global Checkout page may not display or may return a 404 error message.

Case 2: Checkout end-point is changed:

If the default WooCommerce’s end-point in the WooCommerce -> Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Checkout Endpoints are changed or translated then your checkout page may not work as required. So, it is recommended not to change WooCommerce’s endpoints.

Here is the official video explanation from our getting started tutorial.

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