- Added custom compatibility of PayPal Payments Gateway.
- Improved the multi-currency support for Upsell/Downsells.
- Deleted variation steps will not display in the Flow analytics.
- Animate tab text option was not getting displayed.
- Vertical navigation in step and flow setting was not working for RTL and translation.
- Showing session expired error message on the upsell/downsell with Mollie iDeal gateway.
- The Variation popup was not displayed if the first product/variation was out of stock.
- Default variation was not getting displayed in the variation popup if set.
- Subscription period text was not getting translated in the product options section.
- Unable to change the text of title field in order bump style-3.
- Order bump migrate notice was displayed even if the WooCommerce was not installed.
- The order bump product was not removed from the checkout page if zero value product was added.
- The order bump conditional redirection option was not working if there was no Upsell in the flow.