Team CartFlows
December 4, 2023

Version 2.0.2


  • Improvement: Improved the price display by restricting the float values to two numbers after a decimal point.


  • Fix: The order bump content was getting replaced while saving the order bump.
  • Fix: In some cases, the thank you page conversation was not working.
  • Fix: The link to navigate back to the step setting in the page builder view was showing 404.

Team CartFlows
November 10, 2023

Version 2.0.1


  • Fixed deprecated notices for elementor displayed on the offer steps for offer accept/reject buttons.
  • Fixed the issue with version 6.7.1 of WooCommerce Payments and improved future compatibility.
  • Fixed the analytics calculation issue when the A/B split test was enabled.

Team CartFlows
November 7, 2023

Version 2.0


  • Revamped the whole CartFlows user interface to add a user-friendly touch.
  • Added a way to carry forward the URL parameters to the next step.


  • Added a restriction to quantity update if the product is set to purchase one qty per order.


  • Fixed the missing condition to check for WooCommerce Subscription in product options only if the discount is applied.
  • In dynamic offers, the rules containing the zero value conditions were not getting saved.
  • Fixed the Skip offer issue if multiple offer pages are added in the flow
  • Order bump was not getting unchecked if it is pre-selected on the checkout page.
  • Fixed the deprecation notices for the latest update of Elementor.
  • Product options images were not getting changed for product options.
  • Fixed a few function deprecation warnings while using PHP version 8.2
  • Fixed the critical issue with the latest major update of WooCommerce Payments.

Team CartFlows
June 16, 2023

Version 1.11.12


  • Removed the non-used code and improved the security of the plugin.

Team CartFlows
May 26, 2023

Version 1.11.11


  • The Upsell/Downsell offer payments were getting failed for the official WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway.
  • Product images were not getting displayed in your product section.
  • Non-logged-in users were not able to continue to the next step of the multistep checkout.
  • Upsell/Downsell offers were getting failed for WooCommerce Payments plugin.
  • Main order status was getting stuck to pending payment for the Square payment gateway.

Team CartFlows
April 24, 2023

Version 1.11.10


  • Added the PayPal Payments For WooCommerce by Checkout Plugins support for the upsell and downsell.


  • Introduced a new filter called ‘cartflows_display_offer_shipping_fee‘ that allows the user to control the visibility of offer steps shipping fee on the thank you page.


  • Fixed an issue where the email field was not being properly inline-validated for the multi-step checkout layout.
  • Fixed a problem where duplicate email fields were being displayed for the multi-step checkout in some cases.
  • Resolved a conflict that occurred between the Place Order button and the PayPal for WooCommerce payments plugin.
  • Email field was not getting inline-validated properly for the multi-step checkout layout.
  • Showing duplicate email field for multi-step checkout in some cases.
  • Place order button conflict with PayPal for WooCommerce by payments plugins.
  • Some styling options for order bumps were not functioning properly when using the DIVI page builder.
  • Upsell/Downsell page was not getting displayed in some cases, when the order is placed from the A/B variation step.
  • Upsell/Downsell payment getting failed for the Square payment gateway.

Team CartFlows
February 7, 2023

Version 1.11.9


  • Introduced quantity updater for order bump


  • Order bump was getting unchecked in certain conditions.
  • Fixed the conflict with WooCommerce Conditional Shipping and Payments plugin.
  • Fixed elementor deprecated action notices.
  • Modified the order bump CSS to correct the word break in OB description.
  • Shipping method was not getting updated in certain cases for MultiStep checkout layout.

Team CartFlows
December 28, 2022

Version 1.11.8


  • Fatal error on checkout if order bump does not have assigned product.
  • Showing the wrong price of the product on an order bump if a 100% discount is set.
  • Dynamic rules for order bumps were not working in some cases with store checkout.
  • Order Bump product price was not getting added to express checkout.
  • Upsell getting skipped for PayPal Standard.

Team CartFlows
December 20, 2022

Version 1.11.7


  • (Beta) Added a new and improved way to track the flow analytics.
  • Now you can display the order bump pre-checked on the front end.


  • Improved conditions to display product option settings for page builder.


  • Function deprecated notices for PHP 8.1 version.
  • Elementor functions deprecation notices from elementor.
  • The email field was not getting updated for multi-step checkout.
  • The billing email field was not getting pre-filled for multi-step checkout.


  • Hard deprecated the order bump next step redirection option.

Team CartFlows
December 1, 2022

Version 1.11.6


  • Weekly report emails were not getting sent in some cases.